After all the doom and gloom from our discussion post a few days ago (btw--thanks to everyone who posted, it was exciting to have so many intelligent comments!) , it's nice to see some positive news. From
Adam Miller's blog:
As March comes to a close, it feels like the module is increasingly getting close to release. I wasn't able to do a full walkthrough yesterday, but I did a lot of spot checking. ... At this point, I want to get a final build out to the testers. ... I'd also love to do another full walkthrough this weekend, though with my family coming back, I might be hard pressed to pull it off. If I can make it all the way through without any significant bugs, well, I'll break out the champagne when that actually happens.
Very exciting stuff! From the sound of things, a release before mid-April is a very real possibility. It should be worth checking out. Adam Miller is perhaps best known for his custom content and scripted mini-games, but he also is a good writer, with a great knack for creating well-paced, compelling adventure series with intriguing companions.
That's great news. I am really looking forward to his new module.