I'm kind of a sucker for these things. My favorite part of this one is guy drumming with a dagger, but some of the lyrics are fun. "Once again his armor class is not enough to save his ass!"
Hell, yeah!
Hat tip to critical hits link round-up from last week.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
D & D Doodle Index (and Love)
Edit: I discovered tonight (11/15) that the author below has removed a substantial number of his old posts. Whether that has something to do with this post, or is just a coincidence, I don't know. If I offended or otherwise freaked you out, Brandon, I do apologize. I just really enjoyed your stuff.
One of the fun things about being so late on the scene with DnD 4e is that I get to discover wonderous things that people have probably known about for a long time. One of those is the work of Brandon Kruse at DnD Doodle. His masterpiece reimagining of Fallcrest is to the right, and has been widely circulated, often without credit. I myself first found it at an Obsidian Portal website.
The thing that's so exciting about Brandon's work, aside from its obvious brilliance, is his cartoony style. Since I'm largely running my campaign for a group of little kids, I want to try to keep things a bit lighter than a lot of campaigns probably do. As such, the stock DnD art isn't always ideal. Kruse's area maps invoke excitement and fantasy, while his character sketches have a whimsy and humor that I think the kids will find very approachable. For this reason, I've largely abandoned my plan to get my players into the Forgotten Realms as soon as humanly possible. The Nentir Vale will work great, mostly because I get to use this art!
I'm using Masterplan now to write my post-Twisted Halls adventure, and one feature I really like is the ability to broadcast maps to the players via a separate monitor attached to my laptop. I'm planning to use this ability, and/or some powerpoint slides that do the same thing, to send a lot of Kruse's images to the screen. My players will be able to see the town, the buildings they will visit, and even characters via this interface. It should be a lot of fun.
As such, I've decided to do a quick index of Brandon's work here in this post. I'm doing this mostly for myself, but if someone out there finds this useful, rock on.
Along the King's Road
Cave Drawing
Dwarftown (his version of Hammerfast)
Dwarftown - Top Floor
Dwarftown Underground
A Generic Town
Goblin/Bandit Camp
The Lonely Tower
Nentir winding way out of vale
The Restwell Keep on the Chaos Scar
River RoadRoad to fallcrest - Similar to below scene, but more of a map
A road through the wilderness (DM + Player)
Rushbottle and Camp Ozborg (south of Vale)
Thunderspire and surrounding areas
Winterhaven DM Map
Another road to Fallcrest
Fallcrest in Flames
On the road to Fallcrest/Moon Hills
Winter Ruins
The Rainy City
South of Nentir Vale
Wintery farmland...or blockade
Blue Moon Alehouse
The Lucky Gnome
Nentir Inn
Nentir Inn Second Floor
Nentir Inn First Floor
Raven Roost
Tower of Waiting, Nentir Inn, Blue Moon Alehouse
Named Characters
Princeling Ardjuna
Serim Selduzar, Orest Naerumar, High Priestess Dirina Mornbrow, Par Winomer of the Blue Moon, and Lord Walden Faren Markelhay
Grundelmar, Lannar Thistleton, Lady Allande Markelhay, Sergeant Thurmina
Sergeant Gerdrand, Lord Amos Kamroth, A River Rat, Wisara Osterman of Silver Unicorn, Kelson of Lucky Gnome
Irena Swiftwater, Nimozaran the Green, Tobolar Quickfoot, Teldorthan Ironhews
Raven Roost Roster
Gragnok, dragonborne paladin
Random Characters
Random People
Owlbears and Orcs
Owlbears and other misc
Mostly guns, but a few fantasy, including goblin king
Wizards, lizardmen, wolves
Wizards and barbarians
Adventurers and a Kobold
A noble, robber, knight
Kids, or hobbits, plus dark rider
Goblin Golfers
Randoms, w/ briest, witch, devils
Skeletons with Turbins
Gnoll Archer
Mehrat Sorcer and other creatures
Merchant on road
One of the fun things about being so late on the scene with DnD 4e is that I get to discover wonderous things that people have probably known about for a long time. One of those is the work of Brandon Kruse at DnD Doodle. His masterpiece reimagining of Fallcrest is to the right, and has been widely circulated, often without credit. I myself first found it at an Obsidian Portal website.
The thing that's so exciting about Brandon's work, aside from its obvious brilliance, is his cartoony style. Since I'm largely running my campaign for a group of little kids, I want to try to keep things a bit lighter than a lot of campaigns probably do. As such, the stock DnD art isn't always ideal. Kruse's area maps invoke excitement and fantasy, while his character sketches have a whimsy and humor that I think the kids will find very approachable. For this reason, I've largely abandoned my plan to get my players into the Forgotten Realms as soon as humanly possible. The Nentir Vale will work great, mostly because I get to use this art!
I'm using Masterplan now to write my post-Twisted Halls adventure, and one feature I really like is the ability to broadcast maps to the players via a separate monitor attached to my laptop. I'm planning to use this ability, and/or some powerpoint slides that do the same thing, to send a lot of Kruse's images to the screen. My players will be able to see the town, the buildings they will visit, and even characters via this interface. It should be a lot of fun.
As such, I've decided to do a quick index of Brandon's work here in this post. I'm doing this mostly for myself, but if someone out there finds this useful, rock on.
Along the King's Road
Cave Drawing
Dwarftown (his version of Hammerfast)
Dwarftown - Top Floor
Dwarftown Underground
A Generic Town
Goblin/Bandit Camp
The Lonely Tower
Nentir winding way out of vale
The Restwell Keep on the Chaos Scar
River RoadRoad to fallcrest - Similar to below scene, but more of a map
A road through the wilderness (DM + Player)
Rushbottle and Camp Ozborg (south of Vale)
Thunderspire and surrounding areas
Winterhaven DM Map
Another road to Fallcrest
Fallcrest in Flames
On the road to Fallcrest/Moon Hills
Winter Ruins
The Rainy City
South of Nentir Vale
Wintery farmland...or blockade
Blue Moon Alehouse
The Lucky Gnome
Nentir Inn
Nentir Inn Second Floor
Nentir Inn First Floor
Raven Roost
Tower of Waiting, Nentir Inn, Blue Moon Alehouse
Named Characters
Princeling Ardjuna
Serim Selduzar, Orest Naerumar, High Priestess Dirina Mornbrow, Par Winomer of the Blue Moon, and Lord Walden Faren Markelhay
Grundelmar, Lannar Thistleton, Lady Allande Markelhay, Sergeant Thurmina
Sergeant Gerdrand, Lord Amos Kamroth, A River Rat, Wisara Osterman of Silver Unicorn, Kelson of Lucky Gnome
Irena Swiftwater, Nimozaran the Green, Tobolar Quickfoot, Teldorthan Ironhews
Raven Roost Roster
Gragnok, dragonborne paladin
Random Characters
Random People
Owlbears and Orcs
Owlbears and other misc
Mostly guns, but a few fantasy, including goblin king
Wizards, lizardmen, wolves
Wizards and barbarians
Adventurers and a Kobold
A noble, robber, knight
Kids, or hobbits, plus dark rider
Goblin Golfers
Randoms, w/ briest, witch, devils
Skeletons with Turbins
Gnoll Archer
Mehrat Sorcer and other creatures
Merchant on road
Monday, October 24, 2011
Custom Solo Creature: The Giant Crocodile
I'm putting together a level 2 adventure for when my band of four adventurers finish up the Twisted Halls. I'm largely going to stick to the stock materials in the Monster Vault (I think), but I wanted a non-dragon solo monster for this adventure. So, I put together my first custom solo creature.
Set up: the adventurers are entering an actively used mine. As a minor (miner? haha) quest, the mine foreman asks them to try to figure out what happened to one of his miners. The adventurers walk through the mines and come upon a "break room." The room is a part of a cave that ends in a pristine underground river with good drinking water. The room includes bed rolls, a campfire, stools, a make-shift picnic table, etc. Miners often use this room to eat, sleep, etc.
Adventurers will notice that there is an abandoned pick-axe near the shore. As they approach the shore, a gigantic crocodile leaps from the water. If you've seen Crocodile Dundee, you might remember a similar scene involving a water bottle. If the crocodile makes a stealth check against the characters' passive perception, it gets a surprise attack round to open combat. Here's the monster:
As you can see, it's the crocodile from the DM kit, lowered to level 2, solo-ified, and then granted some special features from the Id Fiend (lv 1 solo from Dark Sun) and a fledgeling dragon. I also increased damage to be comparable to that of a dragon. I think it'll be a fun monster to face, though I may need to playtest it before I throw it at them in case it's too powerful.
When they defeat the monster, adventurers may cut open his gut to find a treasure parcel, which includes a locket bearing the lost miner's name. Returning the locket completes the quest.
Set up: the adventurers are entering an actively used mine. As a minor (miner? haha) quest, the mine foreman asks them to try to figure out what happened to one of his miners. The adventurers walk through the mines and come upon a "break room." The room is a part of a cave that ends in a pristine underground river with good drinking water. The room includes bed rolls, a campfire, stools, a make-shift picnic table, etc. Miners often use this room to eat, sleep, etc.
Adventurers will notice that there is an abandoned pick-axe near the shore. As they approach the shore, a gigantic crocodile leaps from the water. If you've seen Crocodile Dundee, you might remember a similar scene involving a water bottle. If the crocodile makes a stealth check against the characters' passive perception, it gets a surprise attack round to open combat. Here's the monster:
As you can see, it's the crocodile from the DM kit, lowered to level 2, solo-ified, and then granted some special features from the Id Fiend (lv 1 solo from Dark Sun) and a fledgeling dragon. I also increased damage to be comparable to that of a dragon. I think it'll be a fun monster to face, though I may need to playtest it before I throw it at them in case it's too powerful.
When they defeat the monster, adventurers may cut open his gut to find a treasure parcel, which includes a locket bearing the lost miner's name. Returning the locket completes the quest.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
First Impressions: rpgKids
As I've been getting into DnD the last few months, my older daughter has been showing some interest as well. As I've discussed before, she is playing a knight in our family game with my niece and nephew, but she needs a lot of help to make it work.
Because we may go months in between sessions (rest of family lives a few hours away), I've been toying with playing a solo game with my daughter on the side. It was with that thought in mind that I happened again upon NewbieDM's rpgKids, a simplified game inspired by 4e dnd that is appropriate for a little kid.
I ponied up $5 for the original package plus his just released expansion pack. The rules are pretty simple, but there's decent depth to them. There are four classes (equivalent to ranger, fighter, wizard, and cleric), each with their own style of attacks and a unique set of skills. But regardless of your class, all combat ultimately comes down to competing dice rolls: the hero rolls a d12 against the monster's d12, and if the hero gets a higher roll, he hits the monster. There are a few roll modifiers, and you can complicate it as much or as little as you wish.
For example, I opted to add opportunity attacks and shifting to the game. This was easy to do, makes the game a bit more tactical, and will be good training for her when we go back to the bigger kid table with true dnd. I also opted to give the fighter-type class more "hitpoints," which I think are appropriate to help balance him against the other powerful classes. Coupled with opportunity attacks, this makes the fighter class an acceptable defender.
It took my 5-year old about 1 full round to pick up the core combat mechanics. By the end if the second round, she was pretty much independently playing her turns, which is great. That's not really possible in dnd right now. And she really enjoyed herself. She didn't want to stop when it was bedtime. She was into the story, loved defeating ghosts in our first encounter, and really enjoyed the artwork that comes with the manual. She even got creative using her skills--as a ranger-type, she had the ability to track a foe into the woods, and she did a good job of coming up with that use of the ability herself.
I had a blast too. Hopefully this will be a regular activity in our house! I highly recommend dropping $5 for rpgKids if you're looking for a fun, creative activity to do with your little kids.
Because we may go months in between sessions (rest of family lives a few hours away), I've been toying with playing a solo game with my daughter on the side. It was with that thought in mind that I happened again upon NewbieDM's rpgKids, a simplified game inspired by 4e dnd that is appropriate for a little kid.
I ponied up $5 for the original package plus his just released expansion pack. The rules are pretty simple, but there's decent depth to them. There are four classes (equivalent to ranger, fighter, wizard, and cleric), each with their own style of attacks and a unique set of skills. But regardless of your class, all combat ultimately comes down to competing dice rolls: the hero rolls a d12 against the monster's d12, and if the hero gets a higher roll, he hits the monster. There are a few roll modifiers, and you can complicate it as much or as little as you wish.
For example, I opted to add opportunity attacks and shifting to the game. This was easy to do, makes the game a bit more tactical, and will be good training for her when we go back to the bigger kid table with true dnd. I also opted to give the fighter-type class more "hitpoints," which I think are appropriate to help balance him against the other powerful classes. Coupled with opportunity attacks, this makes the fighter class an acceptable defender.
It took my 5-year old about 1 full round to pick up the core combat mechanics. By the end if the second round, she was pretty much independently playing her turns, which is great. That's not really possible in dnd right now. And she really enjoyed herself. She didn't want to stop when it was bedtime. She was into the story, loved defeating ghosts in our first encounter, and really enjoyed the artwork that comes with the manual. She even got creative using her skills--as a ranger-type, she had the ability to track a foe into the woods, and she did a good job of coming up with that use of the ability herself.
I had a blast too. Hopefully this will be a regular activity in our house! I highly recommend dropping $5 for rpgKids if you're looking for a fun, creative activity to do with your little kids.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dexter's Laboratory: Monsters and Mazes!
Via @TheAngryDM comes this brilliance from the archives of Dexter's Laboratory:
Dexter's Laboratory - D & DD
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Dexter's Laboratory - D & DD
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Monday, October 17, 2011
App Review: RPG Roller v.2.1 by Moondog Software
At its most simple: tap the button to roll whatever combination of dice you desire. |
This is an application designed for efficient play at a game table. It does not try to recreate "the experience of rolling dice." Instead, it is a customizable random number generator. The most straightforward way to use the application is to use the Quick Buttons tab (right), which allows you to roll any combination of dice you could imagine (you sweep your finger to access bigger dice--d10's, d12's, d20's, and d100's). Simply tap the button you want and your roll appears as a huge number in the middle of the screen. If you blink/forget, it also shows the most recent roll in the upper right-hand corner. You can also access your roll history via the tab at the bottom.
![]() |
Players can add customizable buttons for each attack and damage roll. |
But if you desired, you could do what is shown to the right and create buttons for each attack and damage roll. You can edit the formula to include any modifiers you desire. For example, a Fledgling White Dragon's bite does 1d12+6 damage. This can be programmed into a button. When you push it, it will give you a number between 7 and 18. It's neat.
For DMing, I prefer to just add in the modifiers myself, as the setup time to customize buttons for every single monster is a bit too much for my taste. But a player might find it worthwhile to program all of his/her rolls into the device, since there are fewer combinations. This could be especially helpful for younger players who are a bit slower with the math. You can use color codes to help you find buttons on the screen too, which is neat.
There are other nice little features. For example, you can go into the More tab and select "chart" and see a random distribution histogram for whatever roll you most recently submitted, along with summary statistics. Beyond tickling my stat-nerd fancy, I can see this being handy when explaining the difference between a 1d12 and a 2d6 weapon. There's also an option to prevent the iPhone screen from shutting down when the app is running, which is very nice when DMing so there's never a delay when I need to roll. You also can customize the sounds. If you like, the app can make a noise that sounds like dice rolling whenever you roll. I prefer a simple "click" sound to play along with the button press, and it does this as well.
I have two minor complaints. First, the buttons are a little small. Since I'm usually standing when DMing, I'd prefer to have the option to have buttons twice the height shown here so that I'd have a bigger target. That said, I've yet to actually hit the wrong button as far as I know, so it's not a big deal.
Second, the input syntax for multiple dice rolls threw me for a small loop. I tried to input a dragon breath damage role of "2d8+4." This should give a range of results between 6 and 20 (2d8 give you 2 to 16, then you add four). The software, however, will give you results between 10 and 24. It's adding four to both dice. I had to contact the author to figure it out; to get it to work properly, you have to input "2d8 + 4" (note the spaces; this apparently is designed to help minimize the use of parentheses on complicated rolls, though I'm guessing it causes a fair bit of confusion by end users). Once you do it that way, it works great.
All in all, though, this is a terrific little app. It's faster and quicker than rolling actual dice, and it frees up my physical dice for my players to use. And it's free! While there is unquestionably an aesthetic value in rolling the actual dice on the table, there are situations (like mine) in which you need an alternative. If you're in one of those situations and have an iPhone, I highly recommend RPG Roller.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The Last Will and Testament of James Darkmagic I
I spent my evening watching the Penny Arcade guys play D&D 4e alongside Wil Wheaton (yes, that one) and the guy behind the PvP comic tonight. It's about 65% jokes and screwing around--and it's very funny--but interspersed in all that, Chris Perkins told a fun little tale full of memorable characters. I'll never get those hours back, but it was fun to watch and it scratched my D&D itch for the evening. Perkins is an extremely good DM. I'd like to watch him run a more traditional game sometime.
I get to DM my little family/kids game next weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it. The party has changed a bit, and should allow for a fun adventure through the Twisted Halls... More on that later....
I get to DM my little family/kids game next weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it. The party has changed a bit, and should allow for a fun adventure through the Twisted Halls... More on that later....
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Savant of Aielund Saga on NWN Podcast
In all, I enjoyed the interview tremendously. Savant seems like a very nice guy, and I'm thrilled for him that he has a book out now. I went ahead and purchased it via kindle (using the iphone app...small screen, but I'll eventually upgrade to a ipad...I think), and will give it a read as time permits. If nothing else, it's a very modest donation for the time and joy that Savant has given me as I've played through his modules. :)
Speaking of books, I checked and saw that Alazander's book is still in progress (with an update as of Sept 21st). Any other book authors out there from the NWN community that I'm forgetting?
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